
There is a common misconception that Enlightenment is a religious philosophy. While many philosophies teach the values of enlightenment, enlightenment is simply the state of knowing or understanding. You need not be enlightened about everything, but here we strive to give you a start on your journey to enlightenment.

10 Chickens You’ll Cross the Road to See

Despite their utility, we often view chickens as plain, pesky, and sometimes downright annoying animals. But truthfully, this common species is actually far more...
Spot a liar

How to Spot a Liar

How often does someone respond to the question “How are you?” with “Good!” even though you can tell that’s not how they’re actually feeling?...

Rewarding Hobbies You Can Start Today

Having a hobby can be rewarding. Not only because it is satisfying for your own mind and health, but it can help others, help...
Rewire your anxious brain

3 Easy Ways to Rewire Your Anxious Brain

Anxiety can feel like a never-ending, uphill battle. Sometimes it feels like you'll never catch up to normal life again. The only way to...

Have You Been Using Dry Shampoo Wrong This Whole Time?

On days when you miss your alarm, and you’re on the go, dry shampoo is supposed to be a miracle product that saves your...
Get rid of bloating

How to Get Rid of Bloating INSTANTLY

No one enjoys tight waistbands and stomach discomfort that comes with belly bloating. It may be tempting just to give up and throw on...

5 Ways to Decorate with Nature

Generating ambiance and flow indoors starts with bringing the outdoors inside. The feel of a natural setting can create a calming environment that changes...
Break your lazy habits

6 Steps To Break Your Lazy Habits

It would be nice if just choosing not to be lazy would solve all of your problems. You may have tried that, but only...

5 Grounding Exercises That Will Help Soothe Your Anxiety

Over 40 million adults in the United States suffer from anxiety, and it is one of the most commonly experienced mental illnesses in the...
experience nostalgia

This Is Why You Experience Nostalgia

Do you know that nice, fuzzy, warm feeling of reminiscing that also feels like a painful punch in the gut? Looking through old photos,...

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