
There is a common misconception that Enlightenment is a religious philosophy. While many philosophies teach the values of enlightenment, enlightenment is simply the state of knowing or understanding. You need not be enlightened about everything, but here we strive to give you a start on your journey to enlightenment.


The Ultimate Guide To Student Loans

Student loans is the primary way people fund their college education. In fact, over 43.5 million Americans today have taken out some form of...
can't pay rent on time

Try This If You Can’t Pay Rent On Time

Rent is expensive these days. There are more and more people stuck in a difficult place where they can’t pay rent on time. If...
Key to confidence

This Is The Key To Confidence

What's the key to confidence? Being confident is a tricky thing- people either have it or they don't. So where in the world do...
Crawling heals your brain

This is How Crawling Heals Your Brain

Crawling is a typical step in development for babies, but did you know that crawling heals your brain as well? Not only is it...
experience nostalgia

This Is Why You Experience Nostalgia

Do you know that nice, fuzzy, warm feeling of reminiscing that also feels like a painful punch in the gut? Looking through old photos,...
Break your lazy habits

6 Steps To Break Your Lazy Habits

It would be nice if just choosing not to be lazy would solve all of your problems. You may have tried that, but only...
Get rid of bloating

How to Get Rid of Bloating INSTANTLY

No one enjoys tight waistbands and stomach discomfort that comes with belly bloating. It may be tempting just to give up and throw on...
Rewire your anxious brain

3 Easy Ways to Rewire Your Anxious Brain

Anxiety can feel like a never-ending, uphill battle. Sometimes it feels like you'll never catch up to normal life again. The only way to...
Spot a liar

How to Spot a Liar

How often does someone respond to the question “How are you?” with “Good!” even though you can tell that’s not how they’re actually feeling?...

5 Signs You Might Have Poor Gut Health

Gut health plays a big role in your overall health. Your digestion can determine how you feel on a day-to-day basis.  There is an increasing...

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