Virgo Horoscope

Sep 9, 2024… You should find yourself in a warm inviting mood today — yes, even on a Monday! It can just radiate from you for everyone to enjoy, turning your usual Virgo magnetism up to full power. Well, think about it: you probably love being cozy, too! So, when your daily work is complete, consider making your home space into something warm and inviting. No matter what does it for you: low lights, good music, or a great meal — go for it. You don’t have to go it alone if you don’t want to. You can share your warm moments with someone else, too.

Today’s Soul Advice: The purpose of your existence isn’t to work until you die or to live out other peoples’ expectations of you. Your life is yours to figure out what you want and to follow your dreams, whatever you decide those are. When you make your passions the focus of your life, you will live to the fullest.