Virgo Horoscope

May 2, 2024… If you have your head in the clouds today, Virgo, you could risk missing out on important information. You know how it goes — someone rambles on for what seems like forever and it can be easy to nod and smile, but your mind has already moved on. Watching out for moments like this will be in your best interest, as there can be nuggets of important information that you will miss by allowing your thoughts to roam. Giving someone’s stories the attention they deserve could give you a valuable edge you may not have even realized you needed.

Today’s Soul Advice: Even if it feels hurtful in the moment, criticism has the power to change, to inspire, to build. Instead of dwelling on it or letting it bring you down, take it as an opportunity to learn. Your personal standards for your work and your intentions should come first, but they should also be flexible and open to new ideas. Allow other people to challenge you. That’s one of the fastest ways to grow.