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Crawling heals your brain

This is How Crawling Heals Your Brain

Crawling is a typical step in development for babies, but did you know that crawling heals your brain as well? Not only is it...
experience nostalgia

This Is Why You Experience Nostalgia

Do you know that nice, fuzzy, warm feeling of reminiscing that also feels like a painful punch in the gut? Looking through old photos,...
Cheapest U.S. cities

Top 7 Cheapest U.S. Cities to Live In

Choosing a city to settle down in is a big decision. A big factor is budget- so what are the cheapest U.S. cities to...
Break your lazy habits

6 Steps To Break Your Lazy Habits

It would be nice if just choosing not to be lazy would solve all of your problems. You may have tried that, but only...
Get rid of bloating

How to Get Rid of Bloating INSTANTLY

No one enjoys tight waistbands and stomach discomfort that comes with belly bloating. It may be tempting just to give up and throw on...
Rewire your anxious brain

3 Easy Ways to Rewire Your Anxious Brain

Anxiety can feel like a never-ending, uphill battle. Sometimes it feels like you'll never catch up to normal life again. The only way to...
What sugar does to your brain

This Is What Sugar Does to Your Brain

There’s nothing like that first bite of chocolate cake after dinner or snacking on your favorite candy at the movies. Maybe you even enjoy...
Deadliest Colors

These Toxic Colors Can KILL You

These Toxic Colors Can KILL You Everybody has their favorite color that they gravitate toward, but would your favorite color nearly kill you if you...

5 Signs You Might Have Poor Gut Health

Gut health plays a big role in your overall health. Your digestion can determine how you feel on a day-to-day basis.  There is an increasing...
Coffee order

What Your Go-To Coffee Order Says About Your Personality

If you are an avid coffee drinker, you've tried a few different styles of coffee in your day. No matter how many types of...

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