How to Create an Instagram Feed That Sparks Joy

How to Create an Instagram Feed that Sparks Joy

Most of us could use a little extra joy and love in our days. Social media is a wonderful outlet for sharing such sentiments, but it’s understandable if you aren’t sure where to begin. If you want to spark joy in yourself and others, creating an Instagram account dedicated to positivity, kindness and self-confidence can have a considerable impact.

Be Compassionate

People often respond best to content that comes from a place of compassion and understanding without judgment. Lifting people up is about more than entertaining your followers — it’s also about demonstrating that you care and accept them the way they are.

This is so important because people come in all different shapes and sizes from various walks of life. You may not be able to please everyone, but you can appeal to the widest rage possible by thinking about people as individuals and empathizing with them.

Become a Master Meme-Maker

It doesn’t take expert designing skills or knowledge to become a meme-maker. An inspirational or feel-good meme might make someone’s day. Imagine someone sitting in their room scrolling through their Instagram feed after a hard afternoon at school or work. Maybe they’re feeling a little down, but then one of your memes makes them smile. That can make it all worth it.

How do you start making memes? There’s a variety of free and paid-for apps and programs you can use to add text to your favorite images. Some of them may be of higher quality or more in line with your preferences than others, but a little experimentation can help you decide on the right option for you.

Check Out Popular Apps and Websites

Image editing apps like PicsArt offers thousands of images that you can use as canvases for text, effects and more. Cropping your image in the shape of a square makes your meme appear properly on Instagram.

You’re free to do your own photography if that works for you, but you can also search for free photos on websites such as Pixabay, Unsplash and Pexels. Other popular meme-making apps include GATM Meme Generator for Android, Mematic and Meme Factory for iOS devices.

Look for Inspirational Quotes

When you create Instagram feed content, you can generate words of joy and inspiration from your own head or search for thoughtful quotes online. As long as you credit the source, you’re free to use a variety of great quotes from historical or famous figures. BrainyQuote is a reliable place to find all sorts of positive, heart-warming or motivational quotes.

Follow and Engage

Let your page grow naturally. Start by engaging with other people on the platform. Creating a feed that people notice can be challenging, but you may be able to speed up the process by interacting with other feeds. If you start following people on Instagram, you may start receiving more followers in return.

These tips can help you take the first steps in creating an Instagram account that will help brighten your followers’ days and maybe even elevate your own mood. Social media gives you the ability to spread kindness and joy to those around you. Time to make the most of it!

~Here’s to Your Success!

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